The myths about coconut oil are still everywhere. This is bad because they create confusion and mislead people. Let me set the record straight here and help clear the air since I'm one of the rare few who is extensively consuming and using coconut oil day in, day out. Let's bust them all.... find out more ›
Virgin coconut oil
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is cold pressed from fresh coconut meat at temperature below 120 °F (49 °C). Because it gets to retain its genuine flavor, aroma and a stronger set of health-boosting properties, virgin coconut oil offers the best benefits for health by far. Besides improving your immunity, virgin coconut oil makes a great flavor enhancer for food. Thanks to its natural fresh coconut scent that remains intact during cold-pressed.
7 virgin coconut oil disadvantages and how to overcome them
Besides the disadvantages of coconut oil in general, virgin coconut oil has its own specific disadvantages. But most of these so-called downsides do not really apply to me or affect me at all. That's why I choose virgin coconut oil over other coconut oils for my daily health and skin care. I hope you're not affected too so that you can... find out more ›
How to choose the best virgin coconut oil for your health
Do you have the slightest idea of how to choose the best virgin coconut oil for health benefits? I've tasted numerous brands of this unrefined coconut oil from various countries over the past 10+ years. Seriously, not all of them are created equal. Some do not even have... find out more ›
How to relieve constipation for babies with coconut oil
Why do babies get constipated so easily nowadays? "Thanks" to the infant formula that contains little or no dietary fiber and medium-chain fatty acids that are critical for infants to move their bowels regularly. In contrast, exclusively breastfed infants are rarely constipated because breast milk has got a good amount of... find out more ›
5 best ways to eat coconut oil for health benefits
Did you know how best to eat coconut oil for health benefits? It's not simply shoving 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on an empty stomach every morning and then you become strong and healthy. You won't reap the most benefits eating coconut oil this manner. There are some specific ways. Done right, you can... find out more ›