How to melt your solid coconut oil and make it stay liquid

Raging fire melting solid coconut oil

When the ambient temperature of your room has fallen below 76 °F (24.4 °C) in winter or due to a sudden change in weather, your coconut oil will start to solidify. The lower the temperature, the harder it gets. This is because pure coconut oil such as virgin or RBD has a pretty high freezing point of... find out more ›

5 best ways to eat coconut oil for health benefits

A hand squeezing coconut oil out of a half coconut

Did you know how best to eat coconut oil for health benefits? It's not simply shoving 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on an empty stomach every morning and then you become strong and healthy. You won't reap the most benefits eating coconut oil this manner. There are some specific ways. Done right, you can... find out more ›

Fractionated coconut oil vs virgin coconut oil

Green fractionated coconut oil bottle versus blue FussyBody virgin coconut oil jar

Fractionated coconut oil sucks because it's not as natural as virgin coconut oil? It's true that fractionated coconut oil is refined. It's also true that it carries much lesser health-beneficial properties than virgin coconut oil. But you might not know that fractionated coconut oil actually provides certain benefits that virgin coconut oil... find out more ›

Can you eat fractionated coconut oil?

A fractionated coconut oil bottle avoid being eaten by Pacman

Not all fractionated coconut oils are edible. Why? Because some are food-grade while some are not. The non-food-grade fractionated coconut oil is made for topical use and cosmetic purposes only. It's not safe for consumption. Hence, you should not take it internally. So, which fractionated coconut oil is safe to eat and which is for topical use only?... find out more ›