What gives coconut oil its laxative effect for constipation relief? The MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), which are the "movers and shakers" that soften stool and stimulate bowels. And virgin coconut oil carries about... find out more ›
RBD coconut oil
RBD coconut oil is a pure refined coconut oil obtained from copra (dried coconut meat). It has gone through the process of bleaching and deodorizing. Hence the name, RBD, which stands for refined, bleached and deodorized. RBD coconut oil is made for the purpose of providing health benefits of unrefined virgin coconut oil but without the naturally-occurring fresh coconut flavor.
How to melt your solid coconut oil and make it stay liquid
When the ambient temperature of your room has fallen below 76 °F (24.4 °C) in winter or due to a sudden change in weather, your coconut oil will start to solidify. The lower the temperature, the harder it gets. This is because pure coconut oil such as virgin or RBD has a pretty high freezing point of... find out more ›
7 virgin coconut oil disadvantages and how to overcome them
Besides the disadvantages of coconut oil in general, virgin coconut oil has its own specific disadvantages. But most of these so-called downsides do not really apply to me or affect me at all. That's why I choose virgin coconut oil over other coconut oils for my daily health and skin care. I hope you're not affected too so that you can... find out more ›
How to relieve constipation for babies with coconut oil
Why do babies get constipated so easily nowadays? "Thanks" to the infant formula that contains little or no dietary fiber and medium-chain fatty acids that are critical for infants to move their bowels regularly. In contrast, exclusively breastfed infants are rarely constipated because breast milk has got a good amount of... find out more ›
5 best ways to eat coconut oil for health benefits
Did you know how best to eat coconut oil for health benefits? It's not simply shoving 2 tablespoons of coconut oil on an empty stomach every morning and then you become strong and healthy. You won't reap the most benefits eating coconut oil this manner. There are some specific ways. Done right, you can... find out more ›