I know it's fast and convenient to heat coconut oil in the microwave to melt it. But I personally do not recommend this method, unless you're really experienced enough to just melt coconut oil at slightly above... find out more ›
Virgin coconut oil
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is cold pressed from fresh coconut meat at temperature below 120 °F (49 °C). Because it gets to retain its genuine flavor, aroma and a stronger set of health-boosting properties, virgin coconut oil offers the best benefits for health by far. Besides improving your immunity, virgin coconut oil makes a great flavor enhancer for food. Thanks to its natural fresh coconut scent that remains intact during cold-pressed.
Is coconut oil good for high heat cooking?
Because it has a smoke point of around 350 °F (177 °C), coconut oil is not good for high heat cooking. Once you heat up coconut oil to this temperature, it will start to smoke. Smoking means... find out more ›
Does coconut oil need to be refrigerated after opening?
You don't need to refrigerate coconut oil after opening, for coconut oil contains a high level of good saturated fats. These natural saturated fats in coconut oil can effectively protect it against oxidation, and hence, prevent it from... find out more ›
Is virgin coconut oil liquid or solid?
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is actually liquid, rather than solid. It's an oil after all. The reason why sometimes you see virgin coconut oil solid and sometimes liquid is due to the different... find out more ›
Does coconut oil have protein?
I was like, "Huh! Coconut oil has protein?" when I stumbled upon some websites saying that coconut oil is high in protein. Let me set the record straight. Coconut oil has... find out more ›