How to make bulletproof coffee with coconut oil?

It's actually very simple to make bulletproof coffee with coconut oil. You don't need any special recipe for that, like insisting on having distilled water, grass-fed unsalted butter etc.

If all you need is an elevated metabolism for weight loss, a rise in energy level and an amazingly sharp focus that helps you finish your task in the shortest time possible, just add coconut oil to your coffee and stir well. It's vegan. So, anyone can drink it.

However, just adding and stirring may not blend them well. If you're particular, use a blender to blend your coffee with coconut oil.

Putting coconut oil in your hot chocolate drink can also produce bulletproof effect. Caffeine is the key. Also, adding coconut cream or coconut milk to coffee or chocolate can make your drink bulletproof too. This is because they contain also medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are the compounds that augment the caffeine effect.

What kind of coconut oil should you use for making bulletproof coffee?

Any coconut oil will do. If you want your bulletproof coffee to have a nice and fresh coconut smell, use unrefined virgin coconut oil. If you want to boost your metabolism to a higher level, use MCT oil, the edible form of fractionated coconut oil.

When using MCT oil, you can blend in some ice to make an iced bulletproof coffee. MCT oil has a very low freezing point so you won't see snow flakes in your coffee. But virgin coconut oil will as its freezing point is at around 76 °F (24 °C) only.

How much coconut oil or MCT oil should you put in your coffee?

Depending on your body's response. If one tablespoon added to your coffee can produce the bulletproof effect and help achieve your objective, then that's the amount you need.

Don't add too much as too much coconut oil in your coffee may trigger diarrhea.

Also, beware of having more than a cup of bulletproof coffee per day. If the bulletproof effect doesn't wear off by the time you hit the pillow, you're in for a sleepless night. This will greatly affect your performance the following morning. Poor sleep quality impacts your immunity too.

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